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[Surf Protection Settings] hintExprType1=RegEx based match [Surf Protection Settings] msgHostsGridType1=RegEx [Surf Protection Settings] hintExprType0=Text based match [Surf Protection Settings] labExtensionNotInstalled=Not installed [url=extension_installation]Install now[/url] [Surf Protection Settings] gridHostType=Type [Surf Protection Settings] msgHostsGridType0=Text [Surf Protection Settings] labExtensionInstalledIn=Installed in [Surf Protection Settings] gridHostAction=Action [Surf Protection Settings] labBrowserSecurity=Browser Security: [Surf Protection Settings] labBrowserNotSupported=Default browser not supported - [url=extension_installation]More info[/url] [Surf Protection Settings] labExtensionInstalled=Installed in %s for profile [Anti-Malware Service] msgAborted=Aborted! [Anti-Malware Service] msgApplyTokenInvalid=Unfortunately, the authentication token provided has expired or invalid. Please go to your [cloudapp] workspace, click 'Download & install protection' and download the latest installer. [Anti-Malware Service] msgDone=Done! [Security Center] msgBtnTrialBuy=Buy now [Security Center] msgApplyTokenErrorTitle=Error: Unable to authenticate [Security Center] msgTrialBuyNow=Your [productname] trial license has expired. [Security Center] msgBuyNow=Buy now [Security Center] msgBuyLicense3=Your [productname] trial ends in 3 days. Please buy a license now to stay protected. [Security Center] emiEEKMaker=Emergency Kit Maker [Security Center] *******************************= [Security Center] msgTokenText=Setting up things... [Security Center] msgBuyLicense1=Your [productname] trial ends tomorrow! Last chance to stay protected: Buy a license now! [Security Center] labLicenseDetails=License details of [Security Center] msgLessThanAMinute=less than a minute [Security Center] msgRenewLater=Later [Security Center] msgBuyLicense2=Your [productname] trial ends in 2 days. Please buy a license now. Hurry to stay protected! [Security Center] msgLicenseEndTrial=License end [Security Center] msgOfflineLicense=Offline license [Security Center] msgTokenTitle=Initialization [Security Center] msgNwLockdownActive=Network lockdown active [Security Center] msgMenuSettings=Settings [Security Center] msgAdvanced=Advanced [Security Center] msgBuyLicense14=Enjoy using [productname] so far? You're half way through the trial period. Please consider buying a license. [frmDumpOptions] msgNewCode=New code [frmDumpOptions] msgManualWhySendReport=Why are you submitting this diagnostic snapshot data? (Optional) [frmDumpOptions] msgRegenCaptcha=Click to regenerate captcha [frmDumpOptions] msgManualSupportTeam=Referance code from Support team (Optional) [frmDumpOptions] msgEnterCaptcha=Enter Captcha : [frmDumpOptions] msgManualReportText1=Snapshot for component: %s [frmDumpOptions] msgManualReportTitle=Application Analysis Data - Memory Snapshot [frmDumpOptions] msgCaptchaWrong=Invalid code, try again : [frmDumpOptions] msgManualSendReportThanks=By sending a diagnostic report, you're helping us improve. [frmDumpOptions] msgManualReportText2=Thank you for your cooperation. Please press the "Send" button to forward us the crash dump—a technical snippet from your computer''s memory. Rest assured, no personal information will be transmitted. [frmDumpOptions] msgManualReportText3=Everything will remain unaffected, and your system will continue to operate as usual. [Update Settings] btnEditFeed=Edit [Update Settings] msgUpdateFeed=[updatefeed] [MyLoginPage] btnMySecurityCode=Verify [MyLoginPage] btnCancelSelect=Cancel [MyLoginPage] labCaptionSignUp=Sign up [MyLoginPage] msgSignUpUnhandledException=An unexpected internal processing error occurred. Please contact the [url=cc]support team[/url]. [MyLoginPage] labCreateMyAccount=Sign up [MyLoginPage] gridTitSeats=Seats [MyLoginPage] gridTitSubscription=Subscription [MyLoginPage] msgSubscitptionStatus1=None [MyLoginPage] btnMySingUp=Sign up [MyLoginPage] btnMyLogin=Log in [MyLoginPage] gridTitProperty=Property [MyLoginPage] msgEnterSecurityCode2=Please enter the authentication code as displayed in your Authenticator app: [MyLoginPage] msgNovalueEmail=Email [MyLoginPage] msgEnterSecurityCode=Please enter the security code that we just sent to your email address: [MyLoginPage] labEnterKey=Enter key [MyLoginPage] msgNovaluePassword=Password [MyLoginPage] msgMyOwn=My own [MyLoginPage] msgInvalidSecurityCode=Invalid security code [MyLoginPage] labInvalidPasswordSignUp=This password is too weak. It must contain at least 8 characters. [MyLoginPage] msgSubscitptionStatus3=On hold [MyLoginPage] msgLicAdminToApply=Administrator account is required to apply the license. Please switch to administrator account in your operation system and run [productname] again to continue. [MyLoginPage] msgChangeAuthTypeTo1=Change authentication method to Email [MyLoginPage] chkSignUpAcceptPolicy=Emsisoft's services require the collection and processing of certain personal data. Please confirm that you have read and accept the terms of our [url=privacy]Privacy Policy[/url]. [MyLoginPage] labCaptionSel=Select a license [MyLoginPage] gridTitLicense=License [MyLoginPage] labInvalidEmail=Email is required [MyLoginPage] labTermsText=By proceeding, you agree to our [url=terms]Terms of Service[/url] [MyLoginPage] msgSelect=Select [MyLoginPage] msgSignUpValidationFailed=An account cannot be created [MyLoginPage] msgNovalueName=Name [MyLoginPage] labForgotPassword=Forgot your password? [MyLoginPage] msgPleaseCheckEmail=Please check your email inbox and follow the verification instructions that we sent you recently. [MyLoginPage] msgLicRequiresLogin=This license is attached to workspace '%s'. Please log in with your Emsisoft user account to use the license. [MyLoginPage] msgSignUpLogicError=Account creation for this email is already requested. [MyLoginPage] labCaptionKey=License key [MyLoginPage] gridTitProduct=Product [MyLoginPage] msgServerUnavailable=Unable to connect to the server. Please check your internet connection and proxy settings and try again. [MyLoginPage] btnOkSelect=OK [MyLoginPage] labCaptionSecurityCode=Security code [MyLoginPage] msgNovalueLicenseKey=License key [MyLoginPage] msgUnknownError=Unknown error [MyLoginPage] msgPleaseLogIn=Please log in with your Emsisoft user account to select a different license. [MyLoginPage] msgNoWorkspaceLicForThsComputer=We couldn't find any valid licenses assigned with any of your managed workspaces. Please obtain a full version license [url=order_login]here[/url]. [MyLoginPage] gridTitExpires=Expires [MyLoginPage] labInvalidLicenseKey=License key is required [MyLoginPage] msgNoLicenseForThsComputer=We couldn't find any valid licenses assigned with your user account or any of your managed workspaces. Please obtain a full version license [url=order_login]here[/url]. [MyLoginPage] msgNovalueSecurityCode=Security code [MyLoginPage] labInvalidPassword=Password is required [MyLoginPage] msgCredentialsAreIncorect=The email address or password you entered is not valid. Please try again. [MyLoginPage] labInvalidSecurityCode=Security code is required [MyLoginPage] labProxy=Proxy [MyLoginPage] msgLicRequiresLoginNoWS=Please log in with your Emsisoft user account to use the license. [MyLoginPage] msgChangeAuthTypeTo2=Change authentication method to Authenticator [MyLoginPage] labCaption=Log in [MyLoginPage] msgOf=%d of %d used [MyLoginPage] msgSubscitptionStatus2=Active [SupportFrame] btnSubmitDump=Submit a service memory dump [SupportFrame] msgbtnSubmitDumpDescriptionText=Send dump of protection service memory for issue deep analysis. [frmScanPage] msgEEKPath=Emergency Kit Maker save path [Console Scanner] msgNetworkLockdown=Network Lockdown [Console Scanner] msgCmdWrongOS=This Windows version is not supported.[eol]This program runs on 64 bit versions of Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016, and newer. [Console Scanner] msgAborted=Aborted [Console Scanner] msgScanningTraces=Scanning Traces [Console Scanner] msgCmdUcInconsistent=ERROR: Parameter "%s" isn't supported when running in user context. [Console Scanner] msgUpdateFeed=Update Feed [Console Scanner] msgScanningMemory=Scanning Memory [Console Scanner] msgTrialEndsIn=Trial ends in [Console Scanner] msgRollBackDiskQuota=Disk quota %d%% [Console Scanner] msgNA=N/A [Console Scanner] msgScanProgress=Job %d of %d : %s %d%% [Console Scanner] msgBehaviorBlocker=Behavior Blocker [Console Scanner] msgScanningFiles=Scanning Files [Console Scanner] msgSilentMode=Silent Mode [Console Scanner] msgProduct=Product [Console Scanner] msgVersion=Version [Console Scanner] msgExtensionInstalled=Installed in %s for profile: %s [Console Scanner] msgNone=None [Console Scanner] msgObjectClean=clean [Console Scanner] msgEncryptedByPassword=encrypted: password protected [Console Scanner] msgRollBackRetention=Retention %dhrs [Console Scanner] msgRollback=Rollback [Console Scanner] msgRenews=Renews [Console Scanner] msgWorkspace=Workspace [Console Scanner] cmdExitCode10=Operation system version is not supported. [Console Scanner] msgExtensionDisabled=Addon Disabled on %d profile [Console Scanner] msgExtensionNotInstalled=Not Installed [Console Scanner] msgContentFiltering=Content Filtering [Console Scanner] msgBrowserSecurity=Browser Security [Console Scanner] msgAntiRansomware=Anti Ransomware [Console Scanner] msgFreewareLicense=Freeware license [Console Scanner] msgFileGuard=File Guard [Console Scanner] msgDone=Done [Console Scanner] msgWebProtection=Web Protection [Console Scanner] msgLastUpdate=Last Update [Console Scanner] msgEndsIn=Ends in [Console Scanner] msgEDR=EDR [Console Scanner] msgLicense=License [Console Scanner] msgAutoupdate=Auto Update [Console Scanner] msgExtensionDefault=Default Browser [OverviewIndicators] labEDR=EDR [OverviewIndicators] labContentFiltering=Content filtering [Captcha dialog] labCaption=[productname] [Notifications] msgIOfficeBlockGrouped=The following [clr=255/b]%d malwares[/clr] were detected and blocked: [Notifications] msgBlockHostOther=[clr=40191/b]%s[/clr] hosts inappropriate content and was blocked. [Notifications] msgIOfficeBlock=Malware [clr=255/b]%s[/clr] detected and blocked on behalf of [clr=2960685/b]%s[/clr] [Notifications] msgBlockHostOtherGrouped=The following [clr=40191/b]%d known hosts with inappropriate content[/clr] were blocked: [Restricted Access] labEnterThePasswordUnins=Password: [Restricted Access] labCaptionUnins=Restricted feature [Restricted Access] labPasswordRequiredUnins=Uninstallation of this software is restricted by your administrator.[eol]Please enter the software Administrator password to proceed or select Cancel to abort. [EEK Change License] msgLicSeatSelError=Error occurred during license mapping operation(%d). [About EAM] labLicense=License Agreement [File Guard Settings] inftpFgExtensions=Limits the scan to the specified list of file extensions. [Registration Form] msgConnectionTimeOut=Connection timed out. [Registration Form] msgNonWorkspaceWarning=Warning: By using this license your device will be disconnected from the workspace '[workspacename]' and all its remote management policies.[eol]To stay connected with your workspace, please [url=my]assign your license key[/url] to the workspace. [Registration Form] btnLogIn=Log in [Registration Form] msgbtnLogInDescriptionText=Unlock the full version with your user account. [Registration Form] msgNotEnoughSeats=Not enough seats in the workspace. Please add more seats to your license or choose another workspace. If you think this message is incorrect, please [url=cc]contact our customer support team[/url] [Custom Scan Settings] msgCustomScanSettingsDeprNote=Notice: This feature will be deprecated in future versions of the software. Please plan and update your workflows accordingly. [Guard] msgRenew-7DaysLeft=Expiration notice! Your [productname] license has expired 7 days ago! Renew your license now to stay protected. [Guard] msgBuyLicense-7=Your [productname] trial has ended 7 days ago! Last chance to stay protected: Buy a license now! [Guard] msgRemvableDeviceBlocked=Removable device "%s" is blocked by rule.[eol]Friendly Name: %s[eol]Device type: %s[eol]For more information, please contact your administrator. [Guard] msgStorageDrives=Storage drive [Guard] msgEccNoWorkspaceError=Unable to connect to [cloudapp].[eol]Your currently used license is not assigned with a [cloudapp] workspace. Please create a new workspace at [url=my][/url], assign your license and try again. [Guard] msgTokenText=Setting up things... [Guard] msgPrinter=Printer [Guard] msgBuyLicense0=Your [productname] trial ends today! Last chance to stay protected: Buy a license now! [Guard] msgCdRom=CDROM [Guard] msgModem=Modem [Guard] msgLogin=Login [Guard] msgImage=Imaging [Guard] msgBuyLicense14=Enjoy using [productname] so far? You're half way through the trial period. Please consider buying a license. [Guard] msgBluetooth=Bluetooth [Guard] msgProxyShutdownWarn=We have detected that this device has been setup as a Traffic Relay device.[eol]If you shutdown [productname], all devices that use this device for relaying traffic, will only be able to receive updates if they have a direct internet connection.[eol][eol]Are you sure to shutdown [productname]? [Guard] msgNotEnoughSeatsNotif=Not enough seats in the workspace. Please add more seats to your license or choose another workspace. If you think this message is incorrect, please [url=cc]contact our customer support team[/url] [Guard] msgRenewLater=Later [Guard] msgBrowserVerifiBtnInstall=Install now [Guard] msgTokenTitle=Initialization [Guard] msgRenewXDaysLeft=Your [productname] license expires in %d days. Please renew now. Hurry to stay protected! [Guard] msgFreeModeWarn=[productname] is not protecting this device in real time due to an issue with your license. To enable real time protection, please add more seats to your license or choose another workspace. If you think this message is incorrect, please [url=cc]contact our customer support team[/url] [Guard] msgRenew0DaysLeft=Expiration notice! Your [productname] license expires today! Renew your license now to stay protected. [Guard] msgDontInstall=Don't install [Guard] msgUpdateOtherErrorEx=An unexpected internal processing error occurred (%d). Please contact the support team. [Guard] msgBuyLicense3=Your [productname] trial ends in 3 days. Please buy a license now to stay protected. [Guard] msgCamera=Camera [Guard] msgUndefined=Undefined [Guard] msgBrowserVerifiBtnLater=Later [Guard] msgWPD=WPD [Guard] msgBrowserVerifiTitle=Browser verification [Guard] msgNetworkAdapters=Network adapter [Guard] msgEccCloudConnected=Your [productname] is now connected to workspace '%s'. [Guard] msgBrowserVerifiText=We have added capabilities to protect you from malware-distributing websites and phishing attempts. To enable, please install the Browser Security extension in your browser (%s). [Guard] msgBuyLicense7=Your [productname] trial ends in 7 days. Please buy a license now to stay protected. [UpdateGUI Download] msgLogin=Login [UpdateGUI Download] msgFreeModeWarn=[productname] is not protecting this device in real time due to an issue with your license. To enable real time protection, please add more seats to your license or choose another workspace. If you think this message is incorrect, please [url=cc]contact our customer support team[/url] [UpdateGUI Download] msgUpdateOtherErrorEx=General processing error (%d). [UpdateGUI Download] msgDontShowAgain=Don't show again [UpdateGUI Download] msgWrongUpdateFeed=Unable to update.[eol]The configured update feed '%s' does not exist. [Forensics] msgFA62_ByCloud=by workspace "%s" policy [Forensics] msgModem=Modem [Forensics] msgForensics_PermissionPoliciesChanged_Details=User permissions policies changed. [Forensics] msgForensicsComponent11=Cloud [Forensics] msgForensics_DeviceBlocked=Device: %s(%s) was blocked. [Forensics] msgDeviceManufacturer=Device manufacturer [Forensics] msgNetworkAdapters=Network adapter [Forensics] msgForensics_WindowsFirewall0=Windows firewall has been disabled [Forensics] msgWPD=WPD [Forensics] msgCamera=Camera [Forensics] msgForensics_Proxy_Connection=Connection: [Forensics] msgForensics_DeviceAllowed_Details=Removable device was allowed by rule "%s"[eol][eol]Device Details:[eol]Device ID: %s[eol]Manufacturer: %s[eol]Friendly Name: %s[eol]Description: %s[eol]Device Type: %s[eol]Access Rule: Allowed [Forensics] msgForensics_RDPAttack_plural=We noticed a suspiciously high amount of failed RDP login attempts from devices "%s". If you don't know this, we recommend turning the RDP service off [Forensics] msgForensics_RDPAttack_singular=We noticed a suspiciously high amount of failed RDP login attempts from device "%s". If you don't know this, we recommend turning the RDP service off [Forensics] msgForensics_DeviceBlocked_Details=Removable device has blocked by rule "%s"[eol][eol]Device Details:[eol]Device ID: %s[eol]Manufacturer: %s[eol]Friendly Name: %s[eol]Description: %s[eol]Device Type: %s[eol]Access Rule: Blocked [Forensics] msgForensicsAction161=Removable device blocked [Forensics] msgForensicsAction160=Removable device connected [Forensics] msgForensics_Proxy_0=Direct [Forensics] msgForensics_DeviceAllowed=Device: %s(%s) was allowed. [Forensics] msgStorageDrives=Storage drive [Forensics] msgForensics_DevicesPoliciesSetDefualts_Details=Removable device rules set to default. [Forensics] msgImage=Imaging [Forensics] msgPrinter=Printer [Forensics] msgFA6X_InvokedBy=invoked by [Forensics] msgForensics_DevicesPoliciesChanged_Details=Removable device rules were updated, there are %d rules now. [Forensics] msgDeviceID=Device ID [Forensics] msgDeviceDescription=Device description [Forensics] msgForensics_DeviceConnected_Details=Device Details:[eol]Device ID: %s[eol]Manufacturer: %s[eol]Friendly Name: %s[eol]Description: %s[eol]Device Type: %s [Forensics] msgBluetooth=Bluetooth [Forensics] msgLogsFilterCombo=Logs filter combo box [Forensics] msgForensicsAction153=Browser Security verifications [Forensics] msgForensics_Relay0=Relay proxy process stopped [Forensics] msgForensics_IOffice=Malware "%s" detected and blocked on behalf of %s [Forensics] msgDeviceProduct=Device product [Forensics] msgForensicsAction159=Failed RDP login attempts [Forensics] msgAny=Any [Forensics] msgForensicsAction157=Relay proxy status change [Forensics] msgForensicsAction158=Scan [Forensics] msgForensics_WindowsFirewall1=Windows firewall has been enabled [Forensics] msgDeviceType=Device Type [Forensics] msgCdRom=CDROM [Forensics] msgForensicsAction156=Auto restart [Forensics] msgLogsSearch=Logs search [Forensics] msgForensics_Proxy_2=Proxy [Forensics] msgForensicsAction162=Policies changed [Forensics] msgForensics_Relay1=Relay proxy process started [Forensics] msgForensicsAction154=Network lockdown [Forensics] msgUndefined=Undefined [Forensics] msgForensics_Proxy_1=Relay [Forensics] msgForensicsAction155=Windows firewall switched [Create Account Dialog] msgDataCollection=Emsisoft requires collection and processing of certain personal data to provide the services. Please confirm that you have read and accept the terms of our [url=privacy]Privacy Policy[/url] [Emergency Kit] msgApplicationTitle=[productname] [Emergency Kit] msgSecSett=SECURITY SETTINGS [Emergency Kit] msgLicToUnknown=Unknown [Emergency Kit] msgUpdateFeed=[updatefeed] [SciterCommon] msgTimeIntervalH=h [SciterCommon] msgUnclaimedWorkspace=Unclaimed workspace [SciterCommon] msgContactAdminToChangeNonWS=Please set up a workspace for your license to enable this feature. [SciterCommon] msgCompanyName=[companyname] [SciterCommon] msgContactAdminToChange=Please contact your protection administrator to change this setting. [SciterCommon] msgBrandName=[brandname] [SciterCommon] labCaption=[productname] [Hosts Ruleset config] msgWrongHostname=Incorrect host name format [Hosts Ruleset config] msgExprType1=RegEx match [Hosts Ruleset config] msgExprType0=Host name match [Hosts Ruleset config] inftpExprType=Regular Expressions (RegEx) are supported for Browser Security only. [Hosts Ruleset config] inftpHostAction=Alerts are not supported in RegEx rules. [Hosts Ruleset config] msgNovalueHostname=Host name or IP address [Hosts Ruleset config] labExprType=Type: [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgMenuRemove=Remove [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDasSecondPlural=seconds [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay5C3=Fri [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay2C3=Tue [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay1C3=Mon [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay3C3=Wed [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgLessThanASecond=less than a second [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay6C3=Sat [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDassecondSingle=second [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgEvery=every [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay4C3=Thu [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgMenuEdit=Edit [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgAt=At [Scheduler Scan Tasks List] msgDay7C3=Sun [MessageBox] msgFixNowFailed=Automatic resolving is not supported for this situation. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-7=Name is invalid. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-11=Location is invalid [MessageBox] msgInvalidExclusions=Exclusions [eol]%s[eol] have invalid format. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-9=Source type is invalid [MessageBox] msgEECDisconnectWarning=Warning: Joining this workspace will disconnect the device from Emsisoft Enterprise Console. Proceed? [MessageBox] msgPleaseInstallKB=[productname] requires you to update your operating system to ensure continued compatibility. Please install update [url=%s]%s[/url] [MessageBox] msgConnectionDelayedTitle=[companyname] Protection [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-10=ConsentId is invalid [MessageBox] msgContactSecurityAdmin=Please contact your security admin to make changes in your configuration. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus--1=Internet connection troubles. Please check your connection and try again. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-8=Email is invalid. [MessageBox] msgDeinstallation=[productname] is being shut down now for uninstall.[eol]If this uninstall was executed in error or without your knowledge, please select Cancel to abort. [MessageBox] msgAdminRightsRequiredToSubmitMemoryDump=[productname] needs elevated (administrator) permissions to collect a memory dump.[eol] In the next screen, you'll be prompted by the system to grant "Dump tool" these elevated permissions.[eol][eol]This permission is specifically for the memory dump tool and is a one-time action.[eol][eol] Continue? [MessageBox] msgInvalidExclusion=Exclusion "%s" has invalid format. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-4=Country id is invalid. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-20=Processing error, request incomplete. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-6=No option is selected. [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-5=IP is invalid. [MessageBox] btnMessageBoxContinue=Continue [MessageBox] msgCreateSubscriptionStatus-21=General processing error, please contact support. [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaim30days=30 days [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaim1year=1 year [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaimLater=Ask me later [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaimRemindIn=Remind in: [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaimRequest=Action required[eol][eol]Please complete the device management setup and review your settings to take advantage of all advanced protection capabilities. [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaimNow=Complete setup now [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaim7days=7 days [WsClaimRequest] msgWsClaim1day=1 day [frmOverviewPage] msgRemoteManagedByNew=WORKSPACE:[eol]'[workspacename]'[eol] [frmOverviewPage] labTrialEndsIn=Trial ends in [frmOverviewPage] labTrialEndsToday=Trial ends today [frmOverviewPage] labEndsToday=ends today [frmOverviewPage] labLic=License [frmOverviewPage] msgNextReading=Next recommended security reading [frmOverviewPage] lnkYoutube=Follow us on Youtube [frmOverviewPage] msgPrevReading=Previous recommended security reading [frmOverviewPage] lnkFacebook=Follow us on Facebook [frmOverviewPage] lnkTwitter=Follow us on x [frmOverviewPage] msgManagedByWS=Managed by [Log Grids] msgWrongFeedRequested=Wrong feed requested [License Settings] lnkGoToMyEmsi=Go to [cloudapp] [License Settings] labManagedByWS=Managed by workspace [License Settings] msgReGoToMyEmsi=Join a workspace to enable centralized remote management by the [cloudapp] web app. [url=my]Learn more[/url] [License Settings] msgCommStatus=Status: [License Settings] msgReconnectingInLessThan=Reconnecting in less than [License Settings] msgCommServer=Server: [License Settings] labCloudConsole=Management Console [License Settings] labNoteDisconnectEEC=Note: Requires to disconnect from Enterprise Console. [License Settings] btnGoMyEmsi=Join workspace [License Settings] labGoMyEmsi=Emsisoft Management Console [License Settings] msgConnDescrEEC=This device is currently remote managed by Emsisoft Enterprise Console. [License Settings] msgReconnectingIn=Reconnecting in [License Settings] msgConnDescrCloudProxy=This device is currently remote managed and part of the workspace <b>'[workspacename]'</b> and connected via relay '%s'. [License Settings] btnManageLicense=Manage license [License Settings] btnManageSubscription=Manage subscription [License Settings] msgConnDescrCloud=This device is currently remote managed and part of the workspace <b>'[workspacename]'</b>. [Notification Settings] msgNewsBoxes=Recommended readings & news notification display in seconds [Notification Settings] msgSoftUpdateNotifications=Software updates notification display in seconds [Notification Settings] msgRealTimeDetections=Real-time detections notification display in seconds [Notification Settings] msgRemovableAlert=Removable device connections notification display in seconds [Notification Settings] msgAppRestartAlert=Application restarts notification display in seconds [ARIA] ariaStatusSel1=Combo box for "%s" [ARIA] ariaStatusRev1=Revert setting button for "%s" [ARIA] msgRevertSetting=revert setting [ARIA] msgGroupCollapse=group collapse [frmProtectionPage] msgBBSearchEdit=Behavior blocker process search [frmProtectionPage] msgSPSearchEdit=Web protection host search [About EEK] labPrivacyText=We require collection and processing of certain personal data to provide the services, as outlined in our [url=privacy]Privacy Policy[/url]. [About EEK] labFree=The freeware edition of this software can be used free of charge for non-commercial use only. Commercial use requires a license purchase. [About EEK] labTermsText=By using our paid and free of cost desktop and online services, you agree to our [url=terms]Terms of Service[/url]. [About EEK] labPoweredBy=Dual scanner powered by Emsisoft and Bitdefender technology. [frmConversionToFull] msgVerifying=Verifying... [SchedulerCommon] labIntervalHours=Hours